Friday, March 23, 2012

Celebrating Multi-Cultural Heritage!!

So, often it seems that in history courses the contributions of those from multicultural backgrounds are either widely ignored or not given the attetnion they rightly deserve in textbooks so I want for my students to teach each other about important figures from a multicultural background of their choosing and explain the significance of this person to their culture and to our world..

For this assignment, I will have to do some explorations with the students on conducting research and how to pick and choose credible, reliable sources.  I will also go over the importance of citing references being used in their work and how to go about doing so.  Students will also need to become familiar the different presentation tools that they may use on their computers with pre-installed software or through the use of free software and presentation programs via the Internet.

In order to give students an idea of to build their ideas upon, I will show my own digital story.  This story will be inclusive of all elements including video, sound, graphics and audio.  As we all know, our students often times are light years ahead of us in these areas, and I'm sure they will be able to take basic ideas to the next level if given the opportunity.

With this project, I want students to be able to develop and fine tune their research and writing skills.  I want them to understand all the elements involved in creating and telling a story and how to use technology to do so.  I want them to show themselves true digital learners and teachers!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Digital Storytelling

Check out my presentation PREZI on Digital Storytelling...ENJOY!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Should Leaders in Technology Invest In Our Schools?

Companies Investing In Schools...
When we think about technology in our schools, it is fair to say that this thought is very much associated with the mighty dollar bill.  In times where funding is being cut in our schools and we are having to juggle everything from teacher positions to bus routes in order to stay afloat, where can we turn to in an effort to fund technology in our schools?

I know that select companies do provide scholarships, grants, fellowships and other financial assistance to higher education institutions, but I do not believe (at least on a wide scale), that this exists at the high school level.  Perhaps, if some of the revolutionary technology companies donated more computers and technology this could help to dramatically offset the costs to school districts. 

I think about my local school district and its budget shortfalls.  I do understand that some businesses are trying their best to stay afloat, but what about those companies who are still thriving?  I often think of oil companies and their billion dollar profits.  I wonder, how much of that goes back into our communitites to provide better education and resources for our children.  I mean, doesn't an investment in our children mean an investment in our society's future? 

I wonder why it is that the majority of companies don't invest in K-12 institutions.  I understand the need to train and prepare college students, but think of the many kids whose lives might be changed if perhaps programs, courses, etc. are offered at the K-12 level. 

What do you think?