Friday, April 20, 2012

How Do We Combat Anti-Techie's??

Believe it or not, there are actually some students in our digital, technologically advanced world who have adopted the beliefs of perhaps their parents or grandparents in not using and becoming infused with technology.  While I do not normally have a problem with a student wanting to use technology because it offers the opportunity for them to be creative and actually get excited about a lesson or project, there are some who cringe at the very mention and thought of it.  How do we combat these issues and help these students who want no parts of technology to not only use it but actually see the benefits of its use?? 

Any takers.....?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Example Multicultural Project

This is my Example Project for my students.

I created this project in a certain because I wanted to create a discussion that would lead the students to think creatively.
I designed it this way to begin a conversation with my students about what could have been done to enhance the project. Should I have added more graphics? More information? More audio? What more could have been done to make this project better than it is in its current state?

*The intended grade level for this project is 9-12
*The course for this project is Reading (Intensive Language Arts)

I would really like your feedback on whether or not it is a good idea to give an example project that isn't exactly stunning in an effort to spark student creativity and thought process....THANKS!!

Here's the link to the presentation: